Utropica - Groupe Project
Utropica is a concept for an app that promotes sustainable shopping and rewards the user. With every sustainable purchase, the user receives points. With those coupons for sustainable products can be purchased or they can be donated to charity. This should lead to the users being aware for the need for sustainable shopping in the long term. For the transfer of additional knowledge and further information on sustainability there is a built-in barcode scanner and an achievement system.
The app includes gamification functions like levels and achievements. The level of a user is increased by sustainable purchases or donations which unlock archives. An achievment provides instructive information, recipes and tips & tricks for a sustainable everyday life. There are also quizzes and mini-games which unlock additional points.
For shopping, there is a barcode scanner, which provides information about the sustainability of a product and thus facilitates sustainable shopping.

From the points collected, the user can receive discount coupons for organic, certain Fairtrade and other sustainable products from participating shops. The user can also decide to donate his points as money to support charitable and sustainable organisations.
For this concept we conducted an evaluation in the form of an interview and a System Usability Scale questionnaire. This gave us the opportunity to analyse and compare two interface designs for the app and to get feedback on the concept.