When thinking about a tree, we imagine its blossoms, fruits and fresh, green leafs. But for the tree to look like this, it goes through a long process below the surface which we rarely consider: the roots. The roots bring experience from many different perspectives, which guide the tree's development. A tree is more than its superficial looks, its a fitting design for it's environment.

I stand for:
- participatory cooperation
- usability, user experience
- sustainability and fair concepts
- experimental approaches
- tolerance and learning from one another
My name is Marlón Escobar Saupe and I grew up in the Northern German city of Braunschweig. At the time I wanted to use my creativity as an architect to make the dreams of other peopler come true. Early on, I realised that architecture was not what I had imagined. So new technologies and interactions fascinated me and led me to the University of the Arts at Bremen. I learned to visualize my own concepts and projects in the study program “Digital Media”. There I increasingly developed the feeling that my projects needed a practical purpose. Oftentimes, I asked myself, how can I aid people with my design? Solving problems has been one of my objectives since my childhood. Thus I reflected on these matters during my studies. I learned that most problems occuring in reality are very subjective. Therefore, I believe to solve a problem, one must first find the right problem. This requires many diverse experiences. I believe that when many different ideas from different people come together, something magnificent can be created. It is my passion to be the person who brings people together to exchange ideas, find the right problems and develop a compatible solution for a good design.